Monday 5 March 2012

Casual Apparel In The Workplace

Casual Apparel In The Workplace!

Hello Business Communication class,

my name is Amber and I will be blogging about Casual Apparel In The Workplace!
Some of the topics I will be discussing will be;

* How to dress for success
* How to dress business casual in your workplace
* What is not considered business casual for your workplace
* How to avoid the casual look and how to dress up your casual clothes
* For women: How to deal with a bigger bosom

So stay tuned to find out the best ways for you to look fabulous and steering clear of casual apparel! I myself dress very VERY casual, so I hope to learn a thing or two about dressing more business professional.

My first topic will be "How to dress for success!", showcasing the best possible ways to dress appropriately for your workplace. I hope these future blogs will enlighten anyone who reads it and also get me a good mark for my class ;) 

Over and out!

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